Friday, June 27, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Farmer is the Belle

Here is Annabelle's first attempt at spelling her name. She knows it starts with an A and is long.:)

the rest

Friday, March 14, 2008


I'm famous again. Oh yeah, really more Annabelle but Whatever.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More Ketchup

Enjoying a little bubbly

Fun with reading:
At bedtime:

And with friends

Annabelle's first tea party courtesy of Ellie

Amanda told Riley to look up for the picture and Riley took it very literally. Heh heh.

We recently became the proud parents of a Mac and had some fun with photo booth.

Our little soccer star of the future

and finally Happy valentines day!

Josh cooked dinner for his two valentines. It was very tasty and tailored to the palates of each girl.

there were special pizzas for Ab:

And grown up chicken for Mom

And the best dessert ever. Puff pastry filled with melted milk chocolate topped with Ganache a strawberry and whipped cream. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

And now for a little storytime.

Josh had to get up early for work today. And me being the chipper morning person I am (cough,cough) I though I would still try to sleep until my regular alarm time of 7:45. Annabelle woke up later than normal at 7:20 and I figured if I laid really still she would go play in her room and I would not have to get up.:) It worked! She went back to her room and played for a while and then went to her bathroom to wash her hands. She has been doing this about 15 times a day since we found stool tall enough for her to reach. Now I knew that I should get up but though what is the worst that will happen? She will get her sleeves all wet and I'll have to change her out of her pjs which I would do anyhow. So in bed I stayed. My alarm went off at 7:45 and I usually lie in bed and listen to a couple of songs until I am fully awake before I have to deal with " I wan mil(k), I wan mil. I wan mil, I wan mil times 100. Halfway through the second song I heard Ab crying Help I need help. Now since the water was running that got me out of bed in half a second. I found her fully dressed sitting IN the bathroom sink which was half and inch from over flowing. She was just frozen and soaked. I guess next time I will get up sooner. maybe.

Story number two:

Last week I was putting Annabelle to bed. We read a book and prayed and I was about to kiss her goodnight when she very sweetly said Mommy? with out stretched arms. I leaned over and she said "get out."
Now in her benefit she did not understand that this doesn't make her any friends since she asks to get out of her high chair, playpen ect. Nevertheless it caught me off guard and I Just said yeah I love you too and kissed her goodnight. She has since learned to say good night instead of "Get out"

Monday, January 28, 2008

Currently Listening
The Best Damn Thing
By Avril Lavigne
see related

Happy halloween

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trashy kid


Remember how you told Claire trash cans were not for getting in? Ab disagrees.

Currently Listening
How to Grow a Woman from the Ground
By Chris Thile
see related
Oklahoma International Bluegrass Festival in Guthrie the first weekend in October:

This was our first camping trip with Annabelle which overall was a success! We borrowed a huge tent from my brother and sister Tony and MegHan. Thanks guys!

Annabelle got a little bored during the day from the lack of interaction with other humans. It was my first big challenge figuring out when people enjoyed her, uh, attention or when she was just bugging them. She did great at night. We changed her into her warm pjs around her bedtime and she slept in her stroller through the last two concerts in her stroller each night even through the rain the last night, protected by her rain shield which we really should have brought out sooner since she thought it was the coolest thing since she learned to blink or something.

Josh enjoyed the some of the music having to entertain Ab as an excuse to leave and apparently the camera to play with...

At this particular festival they have a Random Band Jam. Everyone who cares to participate puts their name into a can that corresponds to the instrument they play and when the time comes names are drawn from each can and a band is randomly (hint hint people) thrown together. We are given 10 minutes to work up 2 songs and then given stage time to do your worst best. The last couple of times we have been I have indeed given it some sort of shot. And thereafter have felt that I have needed some sort of shot.

And that my friends leaves us with dessert. If you appreciate acoustic music then what ended the festival was the finest of gourmet delicacy mumbo jumbo snooty description that I cannot come up with since, after all, I am talking about a bluegrass festival here. However he IS the king of the mandolin and NEWGRASS, Mr Sam Bush. If you have not heard him you are sorely missing out.

Cats made to order.

Conversation with Annabelle:

Me: Annabelle what color is the sky?
her: blue
me: Who made the sky?
her: God.
me: That's right! Who made the tree?
her: God.
me: Good. Who made Buddy (our cat smoothie)?
her: Annabelle.
me: is that so?

They go for 20 bucks a pop if anyone is interested.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Currently Listening
By Vanessa-Mae
Bach Street Prelude
see related

We are

adopting a baby.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Annabelle is wearing Norny hair!!!!!!!


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A few wedding pics

my brother the groom:

one of four new sisters! the Bride

the hottest groomsman:)

and my favorite flower girl!

there will be many more to follow. Annabelle did amazingly well. She walked down the aisle all by herself to daddy and after she received her minty reward for making it she said thank you and sat down with me. She stayed up with us w/o fussing until 10:45! It was a beautiful ceremony and a very fun reception. There are so many pictures so as soon as they are edited I will add more!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

HIgh fashion

Yeah I know ya'll are jealous.

Currently Watching
By Chris Evans, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mako, Kevin Smith, Patrick Stewart
see related

Catch up

It's been a while since I posted so the words will be brief and the pictures many. A few weeks ago we went to a family reunion at Roman Nose State Park. we had a good time. AB slept on the way.

And then tried to put on her PJs herself

We looked and waded in the freezing natural springs. It ached for the first two minutes and by five I could not feel my legs from the calf down.

A threw rocks in the water.
There was a nice pool that we enjoyed. it had a two feet deep section that Annabelle could walk around on the bottom which she thought was great. Then she asked to go down the big kid tube slide. She has asked to do that at other pools to which I have said no but since josh was there too I figured he could catch her. So I sent her down and Josh caught her like a football. She decided once was enough.:)

We had a "get your butt back here" party for the Andersons. Emily and Annabelle had some pre-party play.

We splashed and ate yummy Desserts. Anna washed her hair in the mister.

I went to a baby shower the next day and made a fun cookie.

This past weekend I took part in Meghan's Bachelorette party which made me thankful I was already married:) Here are the clean pictures.

The party planners: Don't they look innocent?

Meghan, I don't know why your eye is green. We will fix that.

We also have been spending lots of time at splash pads to cool off.

I guess they were too boring because yesterday Annabelle decided to taste the concrete and earned herself her first stitch and now she has an Angelina lip. It was an exhausting day.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Currently Listening
Ice Caps: Peaks of Telluride
By Sam Bush
see related


So tonight AB and I were playing the mandolin together. I would try to play her a song and she would plop in my lap and want to play. So she would strum a few times and hop up and I would start to play again. She danced and clapped a few bars and sat in my lap again to play. At one point while she was up she gave me a very sweet smile and came around back and hugged me with her ever cute AWWW that accompanies her hugs and said mommy several times. As this warmed my heart, I let her know that I love when she gives me hugs. Her response was to go hug a chair cushion and say Awww. sigh.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Currently Listening
It Won't Be Soon Before Long
By Maroon 5
Little of your Time
see related


Ok now I am actually listening to it and loving it more and more, especially the third track. It has a really fun chord progression and a stark contrast in tone between the verses and the chorus. As I was in the car by myself tonight, I drove home with all the windows down, sunroof open, and A/C on. I had the sound system turned up obnoxiously loud with an emphasis on bass. The level where you feel it in your chest vibrating and if it's the car next to you, you look at them with raised eyebrows wondering if they are deaf or want to be. Yep that was me and I loved every second.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Currently Watching
V for Vendetta (Widescreen Edition)
By Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry, John Hurt
see related

Happy 4th!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Currently Listening
It Won't Be Soon Before Long
By Maroon 5
see related
Ok I am not yet listening to this but I hope to soon.:)

AB has a stomach virus so we had a quiet day. She played dress up.

And I always like to take nature pictures.