Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


This is the first year we have made a big deal out of Christmas cookies and Annabelle was all for it! There was a lot of this going on:

Batch number Two:
Time to decorate batch number one: This did not turn out to be the huge mess I envisioned since Annabelle hates having messy hands. We had to stop every few minutes to wipe down the spoons and hands.:) Lucky me!

The finished product:

Reaping the rewards of hard labor:)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Yesterday 75 degrees, today 16.

So yesterday afternoon we played coat free outside enjoying the warm blanket the sun provided.

An hour later the breeze turned into an angry snowman's breath daring us to remain outside. I for one am scared of angry snowmen so we went inside. The next day... 16 freakin' degrees. Annabelle has been somewhat patiently waiting for snow to eat so after a discussion about what color of snow was ok to eat she donned her "winter clothes" and ventured outside to partake. I am not sure how rigidly she stuck to the white ice only rule but will try not to ruminate to much about it.

Uhhh. Happy thanksgiving??

We had a good T-giving in Monroe this year.
We Wii-ed:

Ab triked with Happy around the carport when their walk got rained out.

We tested out the tropicana theory which worked well after that orange had been in AB's possession for more than a day.:)

Storytime with Nana.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Name that ladybug

We captured a ladybug for a day since AB is into those right now. I told her to name it and she decided on Ariga. At first when she came up with names they were from fellow classmates. Now she makes them up. we also have a rice sock that she declared was a dog named Sharie (think marie but with the sh).

Happy Thanksgiving 1

AB had a thanksgiving feast at school