Saturday, July 19, 2008

Happy 5th!- Birthday Fun

I turned the big 3-0 this year and we celebrated in style. Dinner at Mahogany was phenomenal as usual. And as much as I love Phantom it was hard to continue the night after such culinary satisfaction but we must press on right?:) The show was great. It was fun to sit up close enough to see the expressions on the actors faces. This is the dress I ended up with. Yes it was one that did not require help...

After that wonderful evening I thought I had had a great 30th birthday. Which was true but there was more fun that I was unaware of...
The next weekend we were to have dinner with some of our dearest friends. we did in fact do this but the number was about 28 more than I had expected! My bff ;) and my husband threw me a surprise party at one of my favorite places to eat. I don't think I have ever been so caught off guard: ever. The evening was sooo much fun and I feel very very loved. Special thanks to Evan who missed the festivities to watch my kid.

Happy 4th!

Happy belated 4th! We bounced, saw yet another sign of my age (more on that later), rode a horse, played redneck putt-putt and enjoyed fireworks!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Object of humiliation and biology lesson

So, I am beginning the third decade of my life on Saturday. Josh and I are celebrating by having dinner at Mahogany and then going to see Phantom of the opera from seats that don't require binoculars. He's the best!

Well this occasion absolutely needs a new dress of course. I went shopping today by myself which was superb... or so I thought. I should remark that Annabelle is not one of the normal two year olds who scream to leave and go home while I am shopping. She prefers to join in on ALL the fun including taking off all of her clothes while I try on clothes.

Anyhow, I was at Ross dress for less looking for deals. I tried on one navy blue dress that was really cute and thought that this might be the one. But I had two more to try first. I tried to pull it up and it wouldn't budge. OK so I put on e arm through the hole and tried again. Nothing. HMMM I thought. This will be a challenge. I removed bulky upper undergarment hoping for more leeway but to no avail. I start to panic and break out into a sweat. I pull it back down and call Josh from the dressing room to tell him that I was stuck in the dressing room and could not get this dress off. We had contractors at the house at the same time so he was stuck. So I hung up and tried a couple more times with no success. Finally I sheepishly went to the fitting room attendant and announced that I could not remove the dress. (mind you this dress was not tight overall, just in one vital spot) She looked at me incredulously with a "Really?" So she called over three other girls that worked there and explained my problem to see if they had any other ideas. One of the geniuses asked of there was a zipper I said "no" and she said are you sure? ( Oh wait I neglected to check that simple fact before I came out to embarrass myself to strangers) then she asked of I had anyone with me. ( YES of course but it's way more fun to ask a stranger to strip me down that a close trusted friend or family member!!) I said "no or I would have asked for their help". Eventually the original woman that I had spoke to came back and helped me get it off. I did not buy that dress and they have a lovely story to tell there friends about.

Well that should be the end but it's not. After that I went to the mall still in search of the perfect dress. Since Dillards has a reputation of having great sales on formal wear I thought I would try there first. The escalator that goes up was being worked on so I thought "eh, how hard can it be to go up the down one?" i am stoopid. I started going up the down escalator in flip flops no less so I am not being remotely quiet. I should also add that this is happening right in front of the makeup counters (AT DILLARDS) After taking a few obnoxiously loud steps as I bounded up every other step I thought maybe I could be less conspicuous if I took the stairs one by one more quickly. It did not work. By now I was so deep in the shit, I figured it was time to bite the bullet. No, not go back down publicly admitting my error in judgement, but I went back to my loud every other step bounding until I made it to the top. I could hear the men that were working on the other escalator laughing and when I got to the top I turned my head slightly so that I could confirm that yes, they were indeed staring at me. I then tried as hard as I could to hide that fact that I was way out of breath and began to calmly walk off as if nothing remotely strange had just happened.


Annabelle randomly came up and grabbed my clothed person in an inappropriate manner. I stopped her and said "you don't grab mommy's private area" She then pointed to her private area and said this my private? I then realized I had given a vague term to that which I promised never to do so I said that is your vagina. She looked up and pointed to me and said" you have gina?" I said yep because we are girls. She looked over Josh's way and said "daddy have gina?" I said no, Daddy has a penis because he is a boy. She cocked her head and thought for about ten seconds and then said" I like cereal." The moral of this story, If you don't make a big deal about body parts kids won't go around singing gina and penis songs.