Monday, February 1, 2010

I've never thought of that before

Annabelle and I were watching Phantom of the Opera today. I think she likes the music more than anything.:) Anyhow, during the movie she asked "Mom, where's the Phantom's bathroom?" I said "huh"? She asked again "Does the phantom have a bathroom?" I replied "probably in his dungeon". She then said "yeah he has one, that's where he puts on his mask". Good to know.


Anonymous said...

ha! that is awesome

Amanda said...

Awesome, I knew there had to be another lighting place. I'll check 'em out.

Amanda said...

Awesome, I knew there had to be another lighting place. I'll check 'em out.

MamaT said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. The quilt I made you is so OLD now! haha You've been married forever.