Thursday, December 4, 2008

Name that ladybug

We captured a ladybug for a day since AB is into those right now. I told her to name it and she decided on Ariga. At first when she came up with names they were from fellow classmates. Now she makes them up. we also have a rice sock that she declared was a dog named Sharie (think marie but with the sh).


Amanda said...

Are you going caroling? I'll bring my 50trillion cookies.

Amanda said...

You're awesome.

Amanda said...

Please tell me you're kidding. The only chocolate you may eat is the 70% or darker(pretty much unsweetened). I know you love that stuff. :)
Hey, have you ever heard of carob? Some people think that's edible, but it's probably sugary too.
You can do this Ab. Just think of how much hotter you'll be when your husband returns. :)