Tuesday, June 10, 2008

trasposition from Xanga 1

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Currently Reading
The Screwtape Letters
By C. S. Lewis
see related


This is the first in a while that I have actually tried to read a book. Its very convicting.

I am in need of some advice and open to suggestions. My dear 8 month old child has decided that mealtime is the time to pitch a fit! It does not matter if we are out or at home. Some of you have had the privilege of experiencing this at our house. Congratulations to you.:) Here is what we have tried. She has a spoon of her own, bottle of water, little fruit puffs (which she dislikes heartily), and other toys and I know that she is not hungry! This behavior is getting really old. It has been suggested that the second Babywise books has a chapter on this. I will be buying this tomorrow. If anyone has had this experience or has heard advice from others please share!! Thanks.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Another busy week

Last week was very exciting! It started out with us getting a new toilet seat!! Yes, you read it right. We got one of the cushy kind that's oh so soft on your bum. Any of you may use it when you come to visit.:) I made up a little ditty titled Cushy for your Tushy. Moving on...

On the fourth, we went to the Noll's for a cookout and swim. That was Annabelle's first experience in a big pool which she thoroughly enjoyed. After we got out she and I sat at the pool's edge and dangled our legs in the water. She sat pretty still. Sammy came up to say hello and Annabelle chose that moment to furiously kick her legs and splash Sammy. We all had a good laugh from that. Later we attempted to watch fireworks but it was too late and they scared the baby so we lasted 5 minutes and went home.

AB's 4th outfit.

Wednesday was my birthday. hmmm 28. hmmmm. Ok, I'm done reflecting:). Yummy carrot cake. Josh got me a Super Nintendo which I have been wanting for two years. I want to share his love of video games but there are entirely too many buttons to keep up with on the newer consoles and those games just make me angry and frustrated. I do however like Super Mario games as they are happy and cute.:) We tried to have a nice dinner at Pei Wei but Annabelle had other plans. She shrieked as loudly as she could while we were there. We hurried and finished so we could leave. As soon as we got to the car, she of course cooed peacefully all the way home. Grrrr.

Thursday- Haircut. Took a couple of days to get used to it but I like it now. We also went swimming with Julie, Emmarie, and company. I got the chance to see that swim diapers really do work! Hurray for Huggies indeed.

Todd and Rebecca came to stay with us also Wednesday. Their daughter, Anna Ruth was born around 1:30 and weighed 5lbs, 11 oz I think. Anyhow, they got to bring her back to the house Thursday evening. That evening they were sitting on the couch and Todd was just holding her with the biggest grin on his face! I am so thankful we got to share a small part in their exciting experience! They got to go home Friday afternoon which was sooner than expected. That was good for them, but I must admit to a little disappointment as Josh and I were really enjoying getting to know them and gawk at their baby.:) It was such a reminder of what a blessing and miracle children are. I get frustrated with Annabelle and her tantrums and forget what a gift she is. Anytime you get the opportunity to hold a newborn you always should. Just watching them as they are either peacfully sleeping, awake and looking around or even screaming their heads off shows what a wonder that God has created. I got to hold Anna Ruth twice and just stared in amazement at God's mercy to that baby and her new family! Here are a couple of pictures. What a beauty!

Saturday, the Derricks came over and we stayed up way way way too late! It was great! I haven't stayed up that late since I don't know when. How did I feel Sunday morning you ask? Like crap of course but then that is what caffeine is for. I wouldn't recommend this behavior on a regular basis but it's good sometimes. I tend to get in that responsible rut of going to bed on time so I can get up on time without wanting to kill anyone but sometimes it's good to be able to stay up with adult friends and be kooky.:) I did get to take a nap Sunday afternoon.

Sunday evening we wnt for the Grace talks at church. They talked more about sanctification. I am so loving this series! For sometime, I have been bothered that I don't seem to ever question or disagree with what is said in church while I do all the time at other churches. This series has sparked lots of new thought which is great. Last night the question of the night was "What would it take for you to doubt God's goodness?". I would encourage everyone to come if you can. They have childcare.

Have a lovely day!

Friday, June 30, 2006

So sad

I've never seen my baby so sad looking. On the upside she does feel better than she looks. She has an ear and sinus infection and is on the mighty pink stuff.

So 6 days till the chopping. Here is the plan. If this screams out at anyone as I should not do this speak now or forever hold your peace. If my hair decides not to be wavy after it's shorter, I am in trouble for then I will have to put forth effort. hmmm.

Currently Listening
By Oscar Lopez
see related

I should know better...

I should know better than to hope for or be excited for a relaxed week. Josh went to help Evan's friend move Wed night so I was counting on a nice relaxing evening with the kid and her bedtime and such. About 10:30 an alarm of some sort started going off in the house. I looked at our (disconnected) house alarm panel and it was blinking "trouble" over and over. AHH predator??? I ran back to my bedroom to get dressed because you can't fight a predator in your pjs! I was thinking could I step up to the task of protection? We do have a sword. hmmm I want a gun. That I could do.:) I checked all the locks and they were intact so I explored other options and found that it was my carbon monoxide alarm beeping. That was only slightly less terrifying with a baby in the house. I was fairly sure it just needed new batteries but was I willing to take that chance. Nope. I called 911 and told them I was not sure if I had an emergency but that my CO alarm was beeping loudly. They sent out a fire truck to check things out just in case. I was hoping they would not have their lights illuminating the neighborhood to focus attention on my house but no luck there. Three nice fireman came in and scanned everywhere for CO readings and of course found none. This search included them having to move not one bit two mattresses out of the way in the garage to check the area around the water heater. (Anybody want one?) They instructed me to get new batteries the next morning (which I promptly did, believe you me) They were very nice and assured me it was worth the call to be sure and that if it started beeping again to call again. Annabelle slept through the whole ordeal which was good.

Speaking of Annabelle, I should have known better than to rejoice in her lovely long naps this week. I forgot it usually means sickness. She has been a little snotty for a while but its getting worse and today her eye was a little swollen so she has an appt this morning. I also discovered why she gets no church naps on Sunday. In case some of you were not so privileged to hear her fit last Sunday let me tell you that she sounds like she is dying a horrible torturous death when you put her in the crib. She does not do that at home ever. I don't blame one single person for taking her out if that is the treatment she gives them. I don't think I could let someone elses's baby make that noise for more than two minutes either. She has now refined that noise to fuss with a retching noise mixed in. I have told her several times that that noise is VERY unpleasant and that she should stop it immediately. Of course she blows me off.:) Well that is all the time I have for now, I'll have to talk about AB and her yearning for cat food another time.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Currently Listening
By Josh Groban
see related

Pictures, Pictures!

I started painting our powder bathroom this week during naptime. It has cut into my exercise time but ahhh, some sacrifices MUST be made to accomplish stuff in life. :) Overall this week Annabelle has been a doll, taking her naps and being friendly and cute. Today I went in to check on her and found this...

It was funny then but I knew it would interrupt naptime later, which it did, and that was the end of a well rested (pleasant) day. Oh well.

I picked up our pictures yesterday. AB has her tongue sticking out in the family one. It's pretty funny.that's blurry but...

I love pudgy thighs. That's pretty much the only place pudge collects with her. Hmmm, I wonder where she gets her propensity to be a ham??

I'm working tomorrow and Friday night I begin a long, humbling, overdue path to learning how to jam. I can play things well that I have practiced but cannot sit down with strangers and play whatever, whenever, which is kinda the point of bluegrass music anyhow. Its a social music to be shared with all. If you can't jam then you aren't a real bluegrass musician and I am tired of that hanging over my head so I am off to learn in what should be a non-threatening environment every last Friday of the month. I shouldn't be nervous but I am. (sigh) Well, I have about an hour or so to myself so I will go piddle around...

PS Does anyone want to go one evening to see "The Devil Wears Prada"?

PSS 8 days til cut cut cut (hair)!!! There must be a hair bug going around.

Currently Listening
The Beatles 1
By The Beatles
see related

I will survive, da da dee da...

Phew! this has been the busiest week I've had in a long time. Is there such a thing as too much fun? I say NO!! I got to be with friends Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and a good family visit Friday and Saturday! Monday and Thursday were walk dates. Tuesday was a swim and smoothie(the drink, not my cat) date. Tuesday night was a sleep over here with some of my favorite girls! I suppose I should use the term sleep loosely. Wednesday we played pit with some friends. I have not played that game in years and it is still WAY fun! AND, it gave Josh a chance to get back to his roots with the wheat and rye.:) heh heh.

Friday night my office celebrated one of the doctors practicing with our office for 25 years! We had a really good brisket dinner and then a concert at the Brady theater with a performance by 1964: The Tribute. For those unfamiliar, 1964 is a band that does Beatles music. They recreate the "Beatles experience" by of course doing The Beatles music verbatim, referring to all the band members by their Beatle names and conversing with the accents and the time period being 1964, which is the year the Beatles first performed in America. Since Josh has always been a Beatles fan I have become familiar with many of their songs so it was much fun to sing along with most of them! I was surrounded, however, with people who chose to remain seated and generally motionless during the music. Josh tells me that it is possible to enjoy great music in this manner which I do not understand at all but perhaps will one day accept. :) After that, Josh and I stopped off at McNellie's for a beer and pear cider and low and behold there happened to be three pretty darn good musicians playing borderline bluegrass music! Two geetars and a bass. That part of the evening was slightly dampened by the presence of an attractive but VERY drunk girl who was flaunting herself to whomever would make eye contact with her, which was hard not to do as she was making a spectacle of herself. But overall that was almost more fun than I could handle...almost.:) Then the perfect end to the evening was the opportunity Josh gave me to take some Tylenol PM and sleep like a rock until 10:00 the next morning. Somehow, I am still very tired. Hmmm.

Annabelle started crawling forwards Wednesday morning. She is exploring away now and going after the cats! Smoothie so deserves it. She can't keep up yet so he is not yet afraid yet. To him I say "You will be. You will be." (Sorry for the Yoda joke, I am Josh's devoted wife.) She is thinking about pulling up but not quite there. She was very well behaved yesterday and today for her.:) It might be because she has had regular good naps...Imagine that, well rested baby has good countenance? Who knew? :) Well, I could go on more this being such a great exhausting week but I am sure you have things to do.

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